[Java]What is the Object and Object reference ?

  • In Java, all objects are accessed by reference, and you never have direct access to the object itself.
  • Reference :- is a variable that has a name and can be used to access the contents of an object, A reference can be assigned to another reference passed to a method, or returned from a method.

    default value of object reference is  "null";

                 MyClass object ; 
  • Object:- is an entity that's exists in memory allocated by the Java run time environment, An object sits on the heap memory when we create an object like

                 MyClass object=new MyClass();

    It created the object and respective address and stored in the reference variable named "object".
  • Then what will happen if we create object with out reference like

     new MyClass();

    In this case object will be created in heap memory but there is no reference.
    So, you can't reuse this object.

       System.out.println(new MyClass().a);

    Once above statement is executed then garbage collector will destroy the object.

    Note: Garbage collector immediately won't invoke this is depends upon the CPU free time. Whenever CPU gets free time then it will come to destroy the unused and unreferenced object.

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